Sunday, September 28, 2008

Partners in Crime

Celebrating my dear friend's birthday . . . we are usually partners in crime . . . loving every minute of it. Here we are after some great food and wine in her backyard by her firepit . . . a delightful evening with smoke halos for all. I'm on the left and Paula on the right.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Reunions shortlived are tough

Last post, I revealed that my DH had been deployed for 10 months -- no easy task for all of us. He finally came home last Thursday night -- and we had a fabulous weekend where each of us got to have some great one-on-one time with him . . . the three kids were over the moon all weekend (even our blase teenager). We toddled out late Saturday night for wine at our local wine bar and some more wine at a great local brasserie (and some oysters for good measure). Of course during these halcyon days I made not a thing for Etsy. But reality hit when Monday early a.m., he had to return to the location he will be working from (4 a.m. drive to the airport included). He'll be back again this weekend. I got right back to work -- creative outlets being the best therapy and voila! completed this necklace I had been imagining since these terrific chalcedony gemstones came my way. I love black and yellow together -- the bee pallete -- if you like it (or not) please comment!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Here's my etsy mini -- still trying to figure out how to put it in the sidebar -- if a reader knows how -- please tell me in a comment!
It's been a crazy day -- my husband gets home today after 10 months deployed. And of course, there's back-to-school night, soccer practice, a volleyball game, and a guitar lesson all happening tonight, too.
Off to get some more done before I have to leave to get someone again.
Highlight of the day (up until the big return tonight), picking up Billy Collins latest collection -- Ballistics -- can't wait to get a moment to dip into it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another day, some more postings

A day that begins with a magic show can't be all bad! Lily, my youngest, is in afternoon kindergarten . . . so if there's a morning assembly, the afternoon students are invited to come with a parent. Today's assembly was magician Joe Romano -- and to be honest, he was pretty good. I was sitting along the side, towards the front . . . and I couldn't see how he was doing it -- including getting a kid's shoe inside a box that had been in the back of the room for the whole show! LILY was completely enchanted. What can I say -- unlike her older brother and sister -- she's a ham. She raised her hand and waved it for every call for volunteers. It was great. Brought a little friend of hers home for playdate . . . and then I went to town taking photos of etsy things. Here's a revised necklace -- I changed the gemstones and the composition and relisted it and also revised my turquoise and coral necklace -- it needed some smaller transitional silver beads between the chunky silver ones and the coral. I hope the people who have marked it as favorite approve!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A fresh start

Everything's up in the air -- what a time to start a blog. We've just gotten through ten trying months as a family -- DH deployed and the rest of us navigating life as a single-parent family. I think our three kids and I have done pretty well, considering. And we are getting ready for more changes with the possibility of a move overseas . . . something we are eager to embrace. Nothing is certain yet . . . but when it is, I will begin writing about it.
Meanwhile, I'm working on my etsy site and just registered two DOTCOMS for myself. One, for my etsy site, and well, I couldn't resist since it was available. I want to upload some pictures of my etsy jewelry . . . some of my latest pieces . . . it's fun to think this can be another launching pad.
If all goes as we hope, there will so many exciting events and challenges to record here. Readers . . . I hope you come back.